**入住** **A**: Good evening, may I help you with checking in? **B**: Yes, I have a reservation under the name of Smith. **A**: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Here's your room key. Your room is 302. **B**: Thank you. Could you tell me where the elevators are? **A**: Sure, they're just to the right of the lobby. **B**: Great, and what time is breakfast served? **A**: Breakfast is from 7 to 10 am in the dining room. **B**: Perfect. Thank you for your help. **离店** **A**: Good morning, are you checking out today? **B**: Yes, we are. Could you please prepare our bill? **A**: Certainly, Mr. Johnson. Did you enjoy your stay? **B**: Yes, it was wonderful. The bed was very comfortable. **A**: Thank you for your feedback. Here's your bill. Would you like to review it? **B**: Everything looks fine. Could you direct me to the front desk? **A**: The front desk is straight ahead. They'll assist you with payment. **B**: Thank you for your assistance. We'll definitely come back. **送餐服务** **A**: Room service, how may I assist you? **B**: I'd like to order a pizza and a glass of orange juice. **A**: Certainly, would you prefer vegetarian or meat pizza? **B**: Meat pizza, please. **A**: Great choice. And for the orange juice, would you like it chilled? **B**: Yes, please. **A**: Your order will be ready in about 30 minutes. Is that fine? **B**: Yes, that's perfect. Thank you. **点菜** **A**: Good evening, are you ready to order? **B**: Yes, we are. I'll have the chicken salad, please. **A**: Would you like any dressing on your salad? **B**: Just a light vinaigrette, thank you. **A**: And what would you like to drink? **B**: A glass of iced tea, please. **A**: Excellent. And for you, sir? **B**: I'll take the steak, medium rare, with mashed potatoes and a glass of red wine. **A**: Very well. I'll place your order right away.
