Here are five sentences using "if" and another five sentences using "if only": 1. If I had more time, I would finish this project. 2. If you work hard, you will achieve your goals. 3. If the weather is good tomorrow, we can go for a hike. 4. If she had taken my advice, things might have been different. 5. If we don't act now, the problem will only get worse. Using "if only": 1. If only I had more money, I could buy that fancy car. 2. If only you had told me sooner, I could have helped you. 3. If only the world was more peaceful, we wouldn't have so much conflict. 4. If only I had known how important it was, I would have studied harder. 5. If only time could be reversed, I would make different choices. Please note that while "if" is commonly used in conditional sentences, "if only" is more often employed to express a wish or regret about a past event or current situation.
