**Diploma or Competence** In today's rapidly evolving world, there is often a debate about the relative importance of a diploma and practical competence. While some argue that a diploma is the key to success, opening doors to prestigious jobs and opportunities, others believe that practical skills and experience are far more valuable. The diploma, as a piece of paper, represents years of dedication and academic achievement. It is often seen as a benchmark of one's capabilities and knowledge, and can indeed act as a stepping stone in one's career. Many employers still prioritize candidates with degrees from top universities, believing that they possess the necessary theoretical foundation and critical thinking skills to excel in their roles. However, practical competence cannot be undermined. Experience in the field, hands-on training, and the ability to apply knowledge in real-world situations are crucial in many professions. Competence often leads to improved performance, better problem-solving abilities, and a deeper understanding of one's craft. In some cases, employers may even prefer candidates with relevant experience over those with just a diploma. The truth is, a diploma and competence are not mutually exclusive. They are complementary aspects of a person's qualifications. A diploma provides the theoretical foundation, while practical experience enhances one's understanding and ability to apply that knowledge. In today's workplace, a combination of both is often sought after. To conclude, while a diploma remains an important credential, it should not be seen as the sole determinant of success. Practical competence, gained through experience and hands-on learning, is equally, if not more, important. In today's competitive world, those who possess both a diploma and competence are likely to excel in their chosen fields. **译文**: **文凭或能力** 在当今瞬息万变的世界中,关于文凭和实践能力相对重要性的争论往往不绝于耳。虽然有些人认为文凭是成功的关键,能够打开通往有声望的工作和机会的大门,但另一些人则认为实践技能和经验更为宝贵。 文凭作为一张纸,代表着多年的专注和学术成就。它常常被看作是一个人能力和知识的基准,确实可以作为职业生涯中的垫脚石。许多雇主仍然优先考虑来自顶尖大学的学位候选人,认为他们具备必要的理论基础和批判性思维能力,以在工作中脱颖而出。 然而,实践能力不容忽视。该领域的经验、动手培训和将知识应用于实际情况的能力在许多职业中至关重要。能力往往导致性能提升、更好的问题解决能力以及对自己工艺的深刻理解。在某些情况下,雇主甚至可能更喜欢有相关经验的候选人,而不是只有文凭的人。 事实上,文凭和能力并不是相互排斥的。它们是一个人资格的互补方面。文凭提供了理论基础,而实践经验则增强了一个人理解和应用这些知识的能力。在当今的工作场所,通常同时追求这两者的结合。 总之,虽然文凭仍然是一个重要的凭证,但不应被视为成功的唯一决定因素。通过经验和动手学习获得的实际能力,如果不说更重要的话,也是同样重要的。在当今竞争激烈的世界中,那些同时拥有文凭和能力的人很可能在自己选择的领域中脱颖而出。
