**Clerk (C)**: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Hilton Hotel. May I assist you with your check-in? **Sam (S)**: Yes, I have a reservation for a business trip. The name is Samuelson. **C**: Just a moment, please, Mr. Samuelson. Let me check that for you... I'm sorry, it seems your reservation was cancelled due to a late arrival policy. **S**: Oh, no! I didn't know that. I had some unexpected delays. Is there anything you can do? I'm here for a very important meeting tomorrow. **C**: I understand, Mr. Samuelson. Let me see what I can arrange for you. We're quite full, but I'll do my best. **S**: That would be greatly appreciated. **C**: (Typing on computer) Hmm... I do have an upgrade option available, a deluxe double room. It's more spacious and comfortable, but of course, it's at a higher rate. **S**: Well, I suppose that would work. What would the cost difference be? **C**: The additional charge would be $50 per night. Including breakfast for two. **S**: Okay, that's manageable. Let's go with that. **C**: Excellent choice, sir. May I have your credit card details to process the change? **S**: Sure, here you go. **C**: Thank you. Just a moment, please... (processing) All done! Your room is now confirmed, number 808. Here's your room key. **S**: Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it. **C**: It's my pleasure, Mr. Samuelson. I've also noted your early breakfast preference. We'll make sure it's ready promptly. **S**: That's very thoughtful. By the way, is there a business center I can use tonight? **C**: Absolutely, our business center is open 24/7 and is located on the second floor. **S**: Great. And what about parking? Is it complimentary? **C**: Yes, parking is complimentary for all our guests. **S**: Perfect. Once again, thank you for your assistance. **C**: It's my job, sir. Enjoy your stay at Hilton Hotel. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call. **S**: I will. Goodnight. **C**: Goodnight, Mr. Samuelson. Have a restful evening.
