情景设定:在国际机场,一位外国乘客(John)在通过安检时遇到了问题,他不太了解当地的安检规定。此时,一名通晓英语的安检人员(Lucy)上前帮助他。 --- **Lucy** (面带微笑,语气友好地): Good morning, sir. I notice you seem to be having some trouble with the security check. Is there anything I can help you with? **John** (显得有些紧张,但尽量保持礼貌): Good morning. I'm sorry, but I'm not quite sure what I need to do. This is my first time flying to this country and the security procedures are a bit different from where I come from. **Lucy** (安抚地): No problem at all, sir. Let me guide you through it. First, you'll need to place your carry-on baggage on the conveyor belt over there for scanning. **John** (指着自己的包): And what about these electronics? Do I need to take them out? **Lucy** (耐心解释): Yes, for enhanced security, we do ask that all electronic devices larger than a mobile phone, such as laptops and tablets, be removed from your bags and placed in separate trays for scanning. And don't forget to take your power banks and portable chargers out as well. **John** (点头表示理解): Okay, I understand. And what about liquids? I have a water bottle here. **Lucy** (继续解释): All liquids in containers over 100ml must be placed in a transparent, resealable plastic bag and presented for inspection. Unfortunately, you won't be able to take this full water bottle through security, but you can fill up a new one after passing through. **John** (略带遗憾): Ah, I see. That's quite different. Thank you for letting me know. **Lucy** (微笑鼓励): You're welcome. Now, while your belongings are being scanned, please step through the metal detector. If you're wearing any metallic objects that might set it off, like belts or coins, it's best to remove them now. **John** (照做后): I've done that. Now what? **Lucy** (观察屏幕确认无异常): Perfect. You're clear to proceed. If you have any further questions or need assistance with your boarding gate, please don't hesitate to ask any of our staff. **John** (感激地): Thank you so much for your help, Lucy. You've made this process much easier for me. **Lucy** (礼貌回应): It's my pleasure, sir. Have a safe and pleasant flight! --- 这段对话展现了在跨文化交际中,通过耐心、友好和清晰的沟通可以有效解决外国人面临的安检进站问题。
