**Person 1 (John)**: Hey guys, how's it going? I hope you're both doing well. **Person 2 (Emily)**: Hey John, we're doing great! What's up? **Person 3 (Mike)**: Yeah, what's new with you, John? **John**: Actually, I've got some exciting news. I'm hosting a little get-together next weekend, and I really wanted to invite both of you. **Emily**: Oh, that sounds fun! What kind of gathering is it? **John**: It's a mix of everything really. Some good food, drinks, music, and just a chance to catch up with friends. I've been meaning to organize something like this for a while now. **Mike**: Sounds like a perfect plan to me! I'm definitely in. **Emily**: Me too! Count me in. Do we need to bring anything? **John**: No need at all. I've got it all covered. Just bring yourselves and be ready to have a good time. **Mike**: Awesome, thanks for the invite, John. I'm looking forward to it. **Emily**: Same here! It's been a while since we've all been together like this. **John**: Yeah, exactly. That's why I wanted to do it. Plus, I've got some new tunes I've been dying to share with you guys. **Emily**: Oh, music's always a plus! Can't wait to hear what you've been listening to. **Mike**: Definitely. So, what's the exact date and time? **John**: It's next Saturday, starting at 7 PM. I'll send you both the address via text later. **Emily**: Perfect, we'll make sure to mark our calendars. **Mike**: Thanks, John. See you then! **John**: See you both there! It's going to be a blast.
