**Person 1 (on the phone)**: Hello, Jack! It's Sarah here. How are you doing today? **Jack (responding)**: Hey, Sarah! I'm doing great, thanks for asking. What's up? **Sarah**: Awesome to hear that. Listen, I wanted to give you a quick call to invite you to a small gathering we're hosting this Saturday evening. It's sort of a get-together-cum-celebration for a successful project we all worked on. **Jack**: Oh, that sounds fantastic! I'd love to come. What time and where is it? **Sarah**: Great! It's at our new place downtown, starting at 7 PM. We'll have some drinks, light snacks, and just a good time catching up with everyone. **Jack**: Sounds perfect. I'll make sure to be there. By the way, should I bring anything? **Sarah**: No need to bring anything, Jack. We've got it all covered. But if you're feeling generous, a bottle of your favorite wine wouldn't go amiss. 😉 **Jack**: Will do! Oh, and Sarah, can I invite Emily too? She was a big part of that project and I think she'd enjoy joining us. **Sarah**: Of course, Jack! That would be wonderful. In fact, why don't you give her a call right now and let her know? I'll text you the address and all the details just in case. **Jack**: Thanks, Sarah. I'll do that right away. Looking forward to it! --- **Jack calls Emily while still on the line with Sarah (assuming a brief pause in the conversation)**: **Jack**: Hey, Emily! It's Jack. Guess what? Sarah just invited me to a celebration party this Saturday evening for our project. Wanna join? **Emily (in the background, assumed response)**: Oh, that sounds like fun! Count me in, Jack. Can't wait to catch up with everyone. **Jack (back to Sarah)**: Emily's in! Thanks again for organizing this, Sarah. It's going to be a great night. **Sarah**: You're welcome, Jack. See you both on Saturday then! Enjoy the rest of your day. **Jack**: Will do. Thanks, Sarah. Bye! --- This brief conversation covers the invitation process, including confirming attendance, inquiring about bringing something, and extending the invitation to a third person, all within the context of a minute-long phone call.
