**Person 1 (Emily)**: Hey, guys! How's it going? I hope you're both doing well. **Person 2 (Jason)**: Hey, Emily! Great to see you. We're doing fantastic, thanks for asking. What's new with you? **Person 3 (Sofia)**: Hi, Emily! I'm good too. So, what brings you by today? Anything exciting happening? **Emily**: Actually, yeah, something really special is coming up. It's my birthday next week, and I'm planning a little gathering to celebrate. And I wanted to invite both of you! **Jason**: Wow, happy early birthday, Emily! That sounds like fun. We'd love to come and celebrate with you. **Sofia**: Absolutely, Emily! We wouldn't miss it for the world. When and where is the party? **Emily**: Thanks so much, guys! You're the best. It's going to be next Friday evening at my apartment. I'm thinking around 7 PM. We'll have some delicious food, drinks, and maybe even a little surprise or two. **Jason**: Sounds like a perfect plan! I can't wait to see what surprises you have in store. **Sofia**: Yeah, I'm already looking forward to it. Do we need to bring anything? **Emily**: Oh, no need at all. Just yourselves and good company. But if you want to bring a dessert or something to share, that would be awesome. **Jason**: Deal! I'll see if I can whip up something special. **Sofia**: Me too, I'll think of something yummy. It's going to be a great night. **Emily**: Thanks again for saying yes. It really means a lot to me to have you both there. Let's make this a birthday to remember! **Jason and Sofia**: Count on us, Emily! See you next Friday. **Emily**: See you then! Enjoy the rest of your day. Bye! **Jason and Sofia**: Bye, Emily! Have a great one.
