### 轨道交通安检类涉外警情情景剧英语对话 **场景**:地铁安检点,一名外国乘客(John)与安检员(Alice)正在进行安检流程。 --- **Alice** (安检员,面带微笑,英语流利):Good morning, sir. Please bear with the security inspection. **John** (外国乘客,有些困惑):Morning. What does this mean? (他指着安检机器) **Alice**:This is our security scanner. Please put your bag on the conveyor belt. We need to check all carry-on luggage for security reasons. **John**:Okay, I understand. (他放下背包) But I have some liquid bottles in my bag. Are they allowed? **Alice**:Excuse me, you cannot take them into the subway unless they are in containers of 100ml or less and placed in a transparent, resealable plastic bag. **John** (表现出惊讶):Oh, I didn't know that. I have a bottle of water that's more than 100ml. **Alice**:I'm sorry, sir, but you'll need to dispose of it or drink it before entering the station. **John** (微笑):Alright, I'll just finish it then. (他喝了几口水,然后把瓶子扔进垃圾桶) **Alice**:Thank you for your cooperation. Now, may I please have you remove your jacket and any metal items that might set off the alarm? **John**:Sure, no problem. (他开始脱下外套,同时取下手表和腰带) **Alice** (仔细检查后):Thank you. Everything looks good. Now, would you mind walking through the metal detector, please? **John**:Of course. (他走过金属探测器,顺利通过) **Alice**:Great. You're all set. Please proceed to the platform. Thank you for your patience. **John**:Thank you very much. You've been very helpful. **Alice**:You're welcome. Have a safe journey. **John**:I will. Bye. **Alice**:Bye. --- 这段对话展示了在轨道交通安检点,一名外国乘客与安检员之间的日常交流。安检员Alice以友好和专业的态度向John解释了安检流程和规定,John也表现出积极配合的态度,最终顺利通过了安检。
