**铁路安检涉外警情情景剧剧本** **场景**: 铁路车站安检区,国际旅客通道。 **人物**: - **安检员(A)**:男性,经验丰富,英文流利。 - **外国旅客(B)**:女性,携带较多行李,略显焦急。 - **翻译员(C)**:女性,铁路工作人员,负责现场翻译。 --- **(场景布置:安检区域繁忙,旅客排队等待安检。)** **(B焦急地走向安检区,A礼貌地拦截并示意其将行李放上安检机。)** **A**: Good morning, ma'am. Please place your luggage on the scanner. **B**: (in English, looking worried) Good morning, but I'm in a hurry. My train is leaving soon. **A**: (smiling) I understand, ma'am. But security is our top priority. We'll do our best to expedite the process. **(B开始放置行李,但显得有些手忙脚乱。)** **C**: (approaching) Hello, I'm the translator. Can I help you with anything? **B**: (in English) Yes, I'm not sure what some of these items are for the security check. **C**: (to B) Don't worry, I'll explain. For instance, all liquids over 100ml need to be in a transparent bag and declared. **B**: (in English) Oh, I see. But I have some traditional medicine from my country. Will that be a problem? **A**: (to C) Please ask her if the medicine is in its original packaging and has a label in English or Chinese. **C**: (to B) Ma'am, does your medicine have an English or Chinese label, and is it in its original packaging? **B**: (in English) Yes, it does. Here, I'll show you. **(B递上药品,A仔细检查后点头表示通过。)** **A**: (to C) It's fine. She can proceed. **C**: (to B) Great, you're all clear. Please proceed to the next station. **(B松了一口气,准备离开,但安检机突然发出警报声。)** **A**: (to B, politely) Ma'am, there seems to be an issue with one of your bags. Could you please open it for further inspection? **B**: (in English, looking surprised) Oh, I'm sorry. It must be a mistake. **C**: (to B) It's just standard procedure. Let's take a look and clear things up. **(B打开行李,发现是一个金属装饰品触发了警报。)** **A**: (smiling) Ah, I see. It's just a decorative item. No problem at all. **B**: (in English, relieved) Thank you so much for your patience. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. **C**: (to B) It's okay, ma'am. Safety is everyone's responsibility. **A**: (to B) Enjoy your journey, ma'am. Have a safe trip. **B**: (in English) Thank you very much. You've been very helpful. **(B微笑着离开,A和C继续执行安检任务。)** --- **结束语**: 通过此次情景剧,我们展示了铁路安检工作中对涉外旅客的细致服务与专业态度,强调了安全的重要性,并体现了跨文化交流中的理解与尊重。
