在准备关于压力的英语课时,利用假期放松作为导入话题是一个非常温馨且贴近学生生活的方式。以下是一个自然且巧妙的导入示例,旨在通过假期体验引导学生思考压力与放松之间的平衡: --- **开场白**: Good morning/afternoon everyone! Welcome back from your well-deserved break. I hope you all had a fantastic time, whether it was spent lounging on the beach, hiking in the mountains, or simply enjoying quality time with family and friends. (微笑,环视教室,营造轻松氛围) **引入话题**: Now, as we settle back into our routines and face the challenges that come with school/work, I can't help but wonder... How did you feel when you first stepped away from your usual responsibilities during the holiday? Did you feel a sense of relief wash over you, like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders? (稍作停顿,鼓励学生点头或轻声回应) **深化讨论**: That feeling of lightness and freedom is what we often associate with relaxation and stress relief. The holiday season, for many of us, serves as a natural break from the pressures of everyday life. It's a time when we can recharge our batteries, reflect on our accomplishments, and perhaps even plan for the future with renewed energy. **转折至课程主题**: But, as we all know, life doesn't always come with built-in breaks. Stress and pressure are inevitable parts of our journey, whether it's academic demands, career aspirations, or personal relationships. So, today, we're going to delve deeper into the topic of stress – understanding what it is, how it affects us, and most importantly, how we can manage it effectively. **联系假期体验**: Remember those moments during your holiday when you felt truly relaxed? Let's use those experiences as a starting point. What activities or practices helped you unwind? Was it spending time in nature, reading a good book, or engaging in a hobby? By identifying what brings us peace and tranquility, we can incorporate those elements into our daily lives, even when the going gets tough. **结语**: So, let's embark on this journey together, armed with the memories of our recent relaxation and the knowledge that we have the power to manage stress in healthy ways. Who's ready to learn some practical strategies for keeping that holiday feeling of calm and balance, even when the school bell rings again? (微笑,鼓励学生积极参与) --- 这样的导入不仅贴近学生生活,还能有效激发他们的兴趣和参与度,为后续关于压力管理的深入探讨奠定良好的基础。
