### 中文论述题 #### 1. 讨论汽车新能源五大素质及分析方法 汽车新能源的五大素质通常包括以下几个方面: 1. **环保性**:新能源汽车的环保性主要体现在尾气排放上。分析方法可以通过尾气排放检测仪器对车辆的排放情况进行定量分析,如测量二氧化碳、氮氧化物、碳氢化合物等的排放量。 2. **经济性**:经济性主要指新能源汽车的能耗成本和使用寿命。分析方法可以通过比较新能源汽车与传统汽车在相同使用条件下的能耗和运行成本,以及车辆的耐用性和维护成本。 3. **动力性**:新能源汽车的动力性包括加速性能、爬坡能力和最高车速等。分析方法可以通过专业测试仪器进行动力性能测试,如使用加速计、测力计等设备。 4. **安全性**:新能源汽车的安全性包括电气安全、行驶安全等方面。分析方法可以通过检查车辆的电气系统安全性能、制动系统效能以及车身结构强度等。 5. **舒适性**:舒适性主要关注车辆内部环境的舒适度,如噪音、震动、座椅舒适度等。分析方法可以通过对车辆进行实地乘坐体验,或使用专业设备对车内噪音、震动进行检测。 #### 2. 论述天然气汽油两用燃料发动机燃用天然气时动力性下降的原因 天然气汽油两用燃料发动机在燃用天然气时动力性下降的原因主要有以下几点: 1. **混合气热值低**:天然气的热值较汽油低,导致发动机输出功率下降。 2. **空气进入量减少**:由于天然气占据了部分容积,进入发动机的空气量相对减少,影响了燃烧效率。 3. **分子变更系数小**:天然气的分子结构特点使其与空气混合时不易达到理想比例,影响燃烧效果。 4. **燃料供给系统问题**:如混合器、减压阀等部件的问题可能导致混合气浓度不合适,影响动力性能。 ### 英文论述题 #### 1. 论述天然气汽车安全性比汽油车安全性高的原因 The reasons why natural gas vehicles (NGVs) are safer than gasoline-powered vehicles mainly lie in the following aspects: 1. **Higher ignition temperature**: The ignition point of natural gas is over 650°C, significantly higher than gasoline's 427°C, making it less prone to ignition under normal conditions. 2. **Narrower combustion range**: Natural gas burns in a narrower range of air concentrations, 5% to 15%, compared to gasoline's 1% to 7%. This limits the possibility of explosion. 3. **Lower density**: The main component of natural gas, methane (CH4), has a lower density than air, making it difficult to form an explosive concentration in the event of a leak. 4. **Advanced safety features**: Many NGVs are equipped with advanced safety systems, such as leak detection and automatic shut-off valves, to minimize the risk of accidents. #### 2. 用英语讨论天然气汽车三种动力形式的名称和工作原理 There are three main power systems for natural gas vehicles: 1. **Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)**: CNG vehicles store natural gas under high pressure, typically 20-25 MPa. When the engine starts, the gas is released from the pressurized tank and reduced to a usable pressure. It is then mixed with air in the engine's intake manifold and ignited by the spark plug, driving the engine's pistons. 2. **Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)**: LPG is stored in the vehicle as a liquid under pressure. As with CNG, LPG is reduced to a gas state before entering the engine. It then follows a similar combustion process to gasoline, being mixed with air and ignited in the combustion chamber. 3. **Bi-fuel Systems (Gasoline/CNG or Gasoline/LPG)**: Bi-fuel vehicles can run on both gasoline and natural gas (CNG or LPG). The driver can switch between fuels depending on availability and cost. The fuel system is designed to accommodate both types of fuel, allowing for smooth transitions between them. The combustion process in the engine remains largely unchanged, with the main difference being the fuel source.
